Anatomic obstruction

Rhinoscopy / Nasal Endoscopy

Module Summary

Rhinoscopy / endoscopy is a critical component of the overall head and neck exam. This procedure is particularly important in any patients with nasal complaints or headaches. A variety of inflammatory, vascular, and neoplastic conditions affecting the nose and paranasal sinuses can only be diagnosed at early stages in this manner. The extent of disease as determined endoscopically, and further defined radiologically, will help in the planning of a definitive treatment.


Module Summary

Nasal obstruction is a common nasal complaint that may result from singular unilateral or bilateral anatomic perturbations. However, patients are commonly identified as having two or more factors working in concert to collectively impede nasal function. These may include combinations of septal deviation, fixed and dynamic obstruction of the internal and external nasal valves, and the effects of hypertrophied inferior turbinates.