Odontogenic Cysts and Related Jaw Tumors
Although the primary area of expertise of the otolaryngologist is not is not in the dental sciences, odontogenic tumors and cysts can present as swellings in the mouth or maxillary sinuses. It is therefore important that the otolaryngologist has a working knowledge of the common types of these lesions and a logical approach to their diagnosis, especially in terms of the need for and proper approach to biopsy where indicated. Recent changes in the understanding of their classification and pathogenesis have helped in understanding the need for management and how aggressive the approach should be.
The vast majority of odontogenic cysts and related jaw tumors are diagnosed and managed by dentists and oral/maxillofacial surgeons. However, a patient with a swelling or mass in their mouth is often initially referred to an otolaryngologists/head and neck surgeon. It is therefore important to have a fundamental understanding of the typical presentation of these lesions and an appropriate diagnostic approach to ensure that other pathologies are not missed. In addition, otolaryngologists may be asked to be involved in situations where the extent of resection and/or the need for reconstruction are such that the operations are more like typical oncologic head and neck operations.
Rather than deal with each possible type of odontogenic cyst/tumor this module will use the more common and prototypical pathologies to illustrate the principles of diagnosis and management. References can be read with a focus on the following histologies.
- Keratocystic Odontogenic Tumor/Odontogenic Keratocyst
- Dentigerous Cyst
- Periapical Cyst
- Nasopalatine Cyst
- Aneurysmal Bone Cyst
- Ameloblastoma
After completing this module the physician will be able to:
- Describe the basis for the classification and pathogenesis of the different types of jaw cysts/tumors seen.
- Discuss appropriate imaging techniques for the diagnosis of these lesions and the typical radiologic findings that may help establish the diagnosis.
- Explain the principles that guide when a biopsy is indicated and the appropriate method(s) of performing this.
- Explain the principles of management for the different cysts/tumors types.