Nasal Bone Fractures
Nasal injuries can create a functional as well as cosmetic deficit. The patient with nasal injuries may present a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. Often, the associated edema and ecchymosis can mask the extent of the underlying deformity. Careful followup examinations may be necessary in order to make appropriate treatment decisions. The necessity and timing of closed manipulation of nasal fractures must be weighed against open reduction and delayed surgical management, such as a septorhinoplasty procedure. It is important to be familiar with the pathophysiology of nasal injuries, their diagnostic features, and the treatment options. A multitude of functional and cosmetic rhinoplasty techniques come into play in managing these injuries. The associated problems of saddle nose deformity and posttraumatic nasal (and septal) deformity must also be managed appropriately.
- Review the types of soft tissue and skeletal injuries that may occur.
- Recognize nasal fractures, septal hematoma, septal dislocation, and other nasal injuries.
- Appropriately order and interpret imaging.
- Explain the mechanisms of injury associated with the different types of nasal injuries.
- Note any differences associated with pediatric nasal trauma.
- Recognize the indications and limitations for closed reduction, open reduction, and delayed treatment for nasal fractures.
- Review the treatment options applicable for management of septal hematoma.
- Summarize the issues involved in decision making relating to delayed treatment of nasal injuries.
- Relate the associated complications (early and late) of nasal injuries and their treatment.
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